Pupils speak positively about their learning at Malvern Parish CE Primary School
Malvern Parish CE Primary School—March 2020 GOOD
Inspectors highlighted the fact that, ‘Pupils are happy and confident learners in this friendly and welcoming school. They speak positively about their learning and say things like ‘I love music. It takes you to a better place’. The report goes on to say, ‘Pupils readily take on extra responsibilities, for example playground leaders and peer mediators. Pupils enjoy the range of clubs offered, including unusual ones, such as ‘felting’ and ‘imagineering’’.
The report praised the approach the school is taking, ‘Leaders and staff have devised an interesting curriculum. It is generally well planned and covers all subjects. Exciting topics, such as ‘Let Battle Commence’, combine subjects and develop knowledge and skills in different areas’.
Inspectors felt that, ‘Staff set high expectations for behaviour and learning. They want all pupils to do well and they do. Pupils achieve well in English and mathematics. The curriculum is broad and interesting. Exciting topics enthuse and motivate pupils. Their learning is enriched with interesting trips and events’.
Other aspects praised in the report include; reading, writing, music and Early Years.
The report also points out that, ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are helped to learn successfully. Staff consider pupils’ individual needs well and adapt activities accordingly, using external support when appropriate’.