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Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust home page

Welcome to

Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust

Governors and Clerks

Do you want to make a difference in your community and contribute to the vision we have for our academies?


Can you bring the skills and knowledge you have gained in business, work, volunteering or family life, to support one of our academies in giving children a great start in life?



We are always interested in hearing from individuals who would like to join us as school governors or clerks on one of our Local Academy Boards. Our Local Academy Board members play a key role in the DoWMAT and our individual school communities; working with our Headteachers and senior leaders to ensure the very best for the learning opportunities, wellbeing, safety and care of all our DoWMAT pupils.

Local Academy Boards


Each academy within the Worcester Diocese Academy Trust (DoWMAT) retains its own Local Governing Body. However, on joining the Trust, this group will be known as Local Academy Boards. This reflects the change in legal status from pre-academisation “Governing Bodies”, and the fact that they are expected to act as “Boards” at a local level in holding their executive (the Headteacher and SLT) to account.


DoWMAT remains committed to the principle of local governance by local people; recognising and valuing the effort taken by members of the Local Academy Boards who support our academies in delivering strategic management and operational oversight.


In particular, our Local Academy Boards (LABs) have an important role to play in promoting high standards and upholding the Christian distinctiveness of their academy. Our academy LABs must ensure that the students are attending a successful academy which provides them with a good education and supports their holistic well-being.


Individual governors on our Local Academy Boards make important decisions that have a huge impact on the lives of young people, and every governor has a role to play in helping our pupils get the best possible education.

Who can be a Governor?

You must be over 18 to become a school or college governor. You do not need to have experience in the education sector. We are looking for people who have an interest in education, are able to work well with others, are willing to listen, trusted to make informed decisions and committed to helping their local academy to flourish. 

Training, Support and Development

Once appointed as a governor on one of our Local Academy Boards, you will have access to a comprehensive programme of training and support.


Clerks to our Local Academy Boards

High quality professional clerking is crucial to the effective functioning of the board. Their role is not only about good and effective organisation and administration (preparing agendas and papers, producing minutes), but also, and more importantly, about helping the board understand its role, functions and legal duties and supporting the Chair to enable and facilitate strategic debate and decision making. This is crucial in helping the board exercise its functions expediently and confidently, so that it can stay focused on its core functions.

Interesting in applying for either role?

If you would like to know more about either role or to apply, please contact;


Claire Roberts, DoWMAT Director of Operations:
