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Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust home page

Welcome to

Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust

Why Work for DoWMAT

In keeping with our Christian vision and values, the DoWMAT Board of Directors seeks to ensure a working environment within the Trust, where all:


  • Are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Are provided with the opportunities to grow and develop.
  • Can expect kindness and strong, supportive professional relationships with colleagues.


Therefore, it is our intent that the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust and each of our DoWMAT academies establishes practices which will ensure an hospitable welcome for all and positive and productive working environments for all staff.


To this end, the Board have developed a strategy which intends to set out our commitments in the following key areas; ensuring life in all its fullness for the people who work with and alongside us.


Attract and RecruitGrow and Develop
Engage and RetainSupport and Challenge


Attract and Recruit

How does the DoWMAT intend to attract and recruit the most talented staff – with drive and ambition - to deliver on our strategic principles?


We will take every possible step to:


  • Advertise and promote job opportunities openly and fairly in appropriate ‘publications’ and on the Trust website to ensure equal opportunities.

  • Identify selection techniques that allow the Trust to recruit individuals that have the necessary skills set, behaviours and values which reflect those of the Trust.

  • Develop robust recruitment processes taking into account Safer Recruitment expectations

  • Ensure staff involved in recruitment have had access to appropriate training – including Safer Recruitment.

  • Provide employment opportunities for trainees from organisations such as ‘School Direct’, ‘Future Teachers’ and from undergraduate programmes.

  • Encourage and support DoWMAT teaching assistants / non-teaching staff  to engage with trainees programmes from organisations such as ‘School Direct’, ‘Future Teachers’ and from undergraduate programmes, if appropriate.

  • Ensure apprenticeship options are actively promoted for staff, where applicable.

  • Work within a clear Code of Conduct.

  • Ensure job descriptions take into account the most recent standards for Headteachers, teachers and support staff.

  • Invite the DBE to take part in all Headship appointments.

  • Ensure staff are allocated roles and responsibilities that are linked to their skill set and area of expertise or be provided with opportunities for appropriate training to upskill and broaden areas of expertise.

  • Ensure the fair distribution of roles, responsibilities and tasks.

  • Ensure all new staff receive a robust, high-quality and timely induction, to include information on the Trust / academies Vision and Values.

  • Ensure all new teaching / Teaching Assistant staff are provided with a mentor as part of their induction process.

  • Ensure new appointees to a DoWMAT academy are aware of the opportunities afforded to staff within the academy and across the Trust.

  • Promote the MAT intention to develop future leaders.



Grow and Develop

How does the DoWMAT intend to ensure staff have the confidence and skills to realise the Trust’s aspirational ambitions for all Trust pupils?


We will take every possible step to:


  • Ensure our values inform every aspect of our Trust, underpinning all relationships including day-to-day interactions, working arrangements and more formal (e.g. HR) processes.

  • Invest in a range of development opportunities for staff – including Teaching Assistants and non-teaching staff - to realise aspirations and develop areas of expertise.

  • Develop clear structures that provide progression and promotion paths for all staff, using strong practitioners to influence and improve the practice of others.

  • Ensure robust performance management processes and the use of targets and development plans to enhance performance and individual development.

  • Introduce further CPD opportunities to lead, network, collaborate – including those for developing effective leadership – e.g. CofE ML / SL / NPQH.

  • Ensure training opportunities are available for Teaching Assistants and non-teaching staff, where possible.

  • Provide a systematic programme of development and support for NQTs and teachers in the early stages of their careers to support the adoption of efficient work practices.

  • Increase development opportunities for key / aspiring leaders, building leadership capacity by providing high quality training and clarifying leadership responsibilities.

  • Provide a collaborative platform for academies and staff to work together in order to:

  • Develop succession planning across the Trust; ensuring talent is recognised and    developed in readiness for future challenges.
  • Facilitate regular meetings for Headteachers to work together, remain up-to-date and keep in touch with the Trust Central Team; developing strategy, sharing strengths and highlighting areas of need.
  • Encourage and support Deputy / Assistant Headteacher meetings.
  • Support SLE appointments.
  • Support with Subject Lead Forums.
  • Use leadership expertise to build capacity for internal Trust-wide Reviews – Reading / Early Years / SEND / Pupil Premium Audits.
  • Access coaching, mentoring and peer evaluation strategies both within and across academies.
  • Develop and encourage Teaching Assistants and allow for opportunities for the sharing of good practice.
  • Provide mentoring for new Headteachers.

  • Support for Headteachers – trauma / well-being.

  • Ensure new leaders / academies joining the MAT have training to enable them to ‘catch up’.

  • Facilitate DoWMAT Local Academy Board (LAB) training.

  • Organise half termly LAB Chair meetings with CEO / Trust Directors.

Engage and Retain

How does the DoWMAT intend to care for staff well-being whilst maintaining high standards and creating exciting opportunities for professional development?


We will take every possible step to:


  • Ensure all staff feel that they are working within an environment where their wellbeing is prioritised and valued.

  • Ensure senior leaders keep workload and wellbeing of their staff under review

  • Ensure Leadership teams provide opportunities for staff to offer feedback through formal and informal means.

  • Undertake impact assessments before bringing in substantial change.

  • Ensure that equity, fairness and transparency shape and inform DoWMAT policies, practices and processes.

  • Across DoWMAT Academies, provide opportunities for staff consultation and collaboration in key projects, sharing experience and expertise to bring about positive change for children and staff.

  • Ensure all changes to academy processes are communicated clearly and senior leaders provide support and guidance to staff when implementing change.

  • Ensure that polices and practices relating to assessment, feedback and marking are useful tools for teachers and leaders in improving outcomes for pupils.

  • Ensure a clear, consistent and fair behaviour policy in each DoWMAT academy assists staff in managing behaviour effectively and outlines the clear role senior leaders play in supporting staff where there are particular challenges.

  • Taking into account staff wellbeing, operate an agreed communication protocol within each academy which outlines the expected response times from colleagues and external communications, e.g. from parents.

  • Provide staff with advance notice of all monitoring visits and clearly outline the focus of the meeting and any information which needs to be made available. To offer feedback following monitoring visits which clearly outlines strengths as well as areas for improvement.

  • Ensure that Senior Leaders utilise directed time effectively and that there is a clear focus for school activities, e.g. staff development meetings, which is understood by all staff and develops the quality of provision.

  • Provide staff with termly opportunities to feedback and identify areas where workload can be addressed and actions taken to reduce or remove tasks.

  • Provide training and opportunities for reflection which supports the wellbeing of all staff.

  • Ensure that staff receive quality feedback and recognition for work completed.

  • Monitor staff absence levels, patterns and reasons, and use return to work meetings consistently and effectively.

  • Implement support and assistance at the earliest opportunities, should staff identify concerns with their own well-being.


Support and Challenge

How does the DoWMAT intend to develop a collaborative culture that builds confidence, where staff feel listened to, valued, well-informed – and challenged to achieve of their best?


We will take every possible step to:


  • Provide high-quality training and CPD opportunities that meet the needs of individual staff members.

  • Provide coaching sessions and mentoring, as and when appropriate.

  • Facilitate secondments / expert links within DoWMAT academies to support professional development and system leadership opportunities.

  • Develop systems for sharing staff success and for recognising outstanding performance that motivate staff to perform at the highest level.

  • Ensure staff receive thanks and recognition for their contribution to their academy / the Trust.

  • Promote opportunities to support and work alongside other DoWMAT academies.

  • Bring together staff with specialisms from across the Trust, i.e. Early Years, SEND, Maths, Languages, IT to develop high quality provision across the MAT.

  • Facilitate collaborative learning hubs for local areas and key aspects of educational provision.

  • Facilitate opportunities for office staff to meet for training, updates and the sharing of good practice.

  • Facilitate opportunities for Middle Leaders / Deputy groups to meet, share and collaborate.

  • Ensure staff are provided with access to external support, such as an occupational health or a confidential listening service, if needed.

  • Strive to uphold good communication within academies and across the Trust.

  • Operate an open-door policy and clear channels of communication with the Trust central team.

  • Be responsive to the views of staff in our academies and act upon feedback.

  • Develop strategies for forward planning for sustainability in leadership.

  • Share resources (school improvement, teaching and learning, administration: Word documents) across the MAT, where appropriate.





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