Powick have been part of the DoWMAT since 2018 and enjoys being part of a supportive and improvement-focussed MAT.
One of the greatest advantages of the MAT is being able to work alongside the other schools in the Trust, both locally and further afield. Headteachers, middle leaders, teaching staff and support staff all benefit from regular CPD and the close links that being part of the MAT allows.
We have access to a great deal of expertise and experience across the schools in the trust as well as the support from the Central Team. There are many opportunities for positive and meaningful collaboration between schools, as well as regular peer review and access to the more formal school improvement offer which is planned to support and offer challenge throughout each school year. This has been a great help to Powick as we quality check and reinforce our own practice whilst making sure we are up to date with the latest research and guidance across all areas of teaching and learning.
We are sure the MAT will continue to flourish and we welcome the positive future that our whole school community can enjoy through being part of DoWMAT.
Martha Worthington, Headteacher Powick CofE Primary School
I joined the DOWMAT in January 2018; having gained my very first Headship, and being completely new to Worcestershire. The support I was given, right from the start, made all the difference to my journey into Headship. I was offered a mentor, who was (and still is) a great source of knowledge. They also offered me "New to Headteacher" training via the Diocese and an ALP (Academy Learning Partner) also came out to visit me regularly and to ensure we were 'on track.' However, the biggest selling point to the DOWMAT are the supportive, friendly and welcoming other Headteachers that are part of the MAT. Every Headteacher is easy to talk to and I feel I can go to ask them anything (no matter how small). They are a truly fabulous group of people, who are kind, caring, considerate and very knowledgeable in their field. The DOWMAT enable you to meet new people who want to help you; that has been invaluable to me.
Martina Abbott, Headteacher Crowle CofE First School
One of the key strengths of working in a DoWMAT school, is the opportunity for all staff to collaborate though sharing best practice at all levels; whether it be curriculum-based, leadership support or at an operational level.
Working in a small rural setting, this has been instrumental in driving our school improvement and it is reassuring to be part of a professional learning community that values each school’s distinctiveness.
Lucy Cox, Head of School Martley CofE Primary School
I relocated to Worcestershire and took up post with DOWMAT as an Executive Headteacher, and substantive Headteacher for St Barnabas in September 2022. I was immediately impressed with the collaborative nature of the trust and the level of expertise within the team. There have been opportunities for all staff at St Barnabas to engage in professional learning, share best practice and work together on key initiatives e.g. Trauma Informed Network. This has resulted in improved practice in our school and provision that meets the needs of all our pupils. The trust values 'To Love, To Learn, To Serve, are the golden thread that runs through strategic and operational matters. I am proud to work for DOWMAT.
Elizabeth Whetham, Executive Headteacher St Barnabas CofE First and Middle School