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Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust home page

Welcome to

Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust

Welcome to theDiocese of WorcesterMulti-Academy Trust

Trust CEO

This is an exciting time for the Trust as we continue to grow and support academies throughout Worcestershire and Dudley. Through our mission statement, ‘to love, to learn, to serve’, we strive to empower our academy communities to flourish, so our staff, pupils and families can ‘live life in all its fullness’. (John 10:10).

Vicki Shelley, CEO Read more CEO welcome
15 Inspiring Academies
2446 Happy Pupils
441 Dedicated Staff
11 Enthusiastic ECTs

DoWMAT: Providing the best for...

Every Child

Our ambition is to ensure an outstanding education for every one of our pupils, enhanced by our Christian ethos.

Every Academy

Working together collaboratively to secure even better outcomes for our pupils whilst maximising resources and revenue opportunities across the Trust.

Every Opportunity

Facilitating the very best in learning opportunities for our pupils and high quality professional development for staff.

Thinking about joining us?

Our Family of Academies

Our Academy Locations



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What our staff say

  • “The support I was given, right from the start, made all the difference to my journey into Headship.”

    Martina Abbott, Headteacher Crowle CE First School
  • “Powick have been part of the DoWMAT since 2018 and enjoys being part of a supportive and improvement-focussed MAT. One of the best advantages is being able to work alongside the other schools in the Trust, both locally and further afield. Headteachers, middle leaders, teaching staff and support staff all benefit from regular CPD and the close links that being part of the MAT allows.”

    Martha Worthington, Headteacher Powick CofE Primary School
  • “Working in a small rural setting, collaboration and sharing best practice at all levels has been instrumental in driving our school improvement. It is reassuring to be part of a professional learning community that values each school’s distinctiveness.”

    Lucy Cox, Head of School Martley CofE Primary School
  • “The trust values 'To Love, To Learn, To Serve’ are the golden thread that runs through strategic and operational matters. I am proud to work for DOWMAT.”

    Elizabeth Whetham, Executive Headteacher St Barnabas CofE First and Middle School
Read more testimonials