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Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust home page

Welcome to

Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust


The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) Board is, ultimately, the Trust’s accountable body. However, the DoWMAT remains committed to the principle of local governance by local people; recognising and valuing the effort taken by members of the Local Academy Boards (LABs) who support our academies in three key areas;


  1. Guardian of the Vision and Values: Our DoWMAT Local Academy Boards have an important role to play in upholding the Christian distinctiveness of their academy by ensuring our Christian vision and values underpins all aspects of academy life. In this way, we can be assured that our pupils grow and learn in schools where their individual qualities are nurtured to instil fulfilment, self-worth, the skills to contribute to society and confidence in the future.
  2. Supporting the drive for school improvement: Our DoWMAT Local Academy Boards play a crucial role in enabling our academies to deliver on their moral purpose; delivering the very best in educational provision for their pupils. By creating safe and stimulating environments, full of engaging learning opportunities, our academy teams will empower all pupils to develop a love of learning and achieve of their best.
  3. A critical friend for financial decisions: Our DoWMAT Local Academy Boards hold a wealth of knowledge on good financial practice and the importance of making sound, cost effective operational decisions.  Our Headteachers value the input and oversight these members are able to offer as they navigate through a challenging financial landscape in the pursuit of high quality, sustainable provision.


This support from our Local Academy Boards makes all the difference to our academy leaders and greatly contributes to ensuring that all DoWMAT pupils attend a successful academy which is providing a good education whilst supporting their holistic well-being.


It is our aim to develop strong, accountable Local Academy Boards made up of highly skilled, well-informed, well-trained, competent members who ensure statutory duties are met, set a standard of excellence and are focussed on improving teaching and learning. As such, our support for governance includes:


  • Support and advice for Local Academy Boards (LABs)
  • Training and continued support of the LAB
  • CPD/training opportunities for LAB members
  • NGA membership
  • Processing LGB appointments
  • Regular Chair of LAB meetings with CEO
  • Provision of the Scheme of Delegated Authority
  • Recruiting developing and training for effective governance
  • Telephone support and advice
  • Maintenance of governor database
  • Support with skills audits
  • Attendance at LGB meetings as required, and at least once a year
