Accredited Provider
The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust is working in close partnership with University Of Worcester, one of the country's leading teacher training providers.
PGCE - Primary (QTS) - University Of Worcester
Rated as Outstanding by OfSTED (2023) the University of Worcester has a long-standing reputation for training excellent, highly employable teachers.
Personalised academic and professional tutoring, from a range of experienced tutors and mentors, ensures that you will be supported throughout your course and in transition from trainee to an early career teacher. With extensive research profiles, your learning is shaped by those helping to shape education itself.
Our primary courses include a high quality tailored programme of training in all National Curriculum subjects, in addition to SEND, PSHE and RE.
Simply The Best: “Children at the Heart” of the University of Worcester’s Teacher Education says Ofsted
The University of Worcester, one of the UK’s biggest educators of teachers, has been praised as “exceptional” and rated Outstanding by Ofsted inspectors:
"The university is an exciting and inspiring place for trainee primary teachers to study."
"Trainees are capable and confident practitioners by the time they complete their courses."
"Subject leaders are experts in their fields. They have designed a programme of study that successfully deepens trainees’ knowledge of the national curriculum and, at the same time, develops trainees’ ability to teach. As a result, trainees build a secure understanding of each subject in the primary curriculum and know how to teach these subjects well."
"Leaders place a sharp focus on preparing trainees to teach pupils how to read. Indeed, trainees learn how to teach reading from early in the initial teacher education (ITE) curriculum."
"All trainees are exceptionally well prepared to teach reading."
"The ITE primary partnership is a learning community that places children at the heart of everyone’s endeavours. "