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Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust

Pupils from The Littleton's impress in visit to Cathedral

What a wonderful letter for a class teacher to receive!


Dear Nicola,


It was wonderful to have the privilege to meet and teach the children from The Littletons C of E Primary School today. They were from Years 4 and 5 and were with us to learn about The Cathedral as a Place of Christian Worship.

I have been a Volunteer on the Education team at Worcester Cathedral for more than 10 years and during that time I have met many groups from a very many schools in the Worcestershire and Birmingham areas. We get many groups from Birmingham who are predominantly of Muslim Faith. I am always impressed by these children’s attitude, knowledge and spiritualism when they visit us but I put it down to the fact that many come from families with a great Islamic Faith. Having said that, I was blown away by the children from The Littleton's school today. Their behaviour, prior knowledge, enthusiasm and interest was a pleasure to experience. All of the children, without exception, showed joy and genuine fascination in all aspects of the Cathedral and in turn, the Christian Faith. They were respectful and reverential when going on the tours and they asked pertinent questions and showed obvious knowledge of all the aspects of Christianity that we discussed. We later completed workshops on The Trinity, notoriously difficult for many adults to get their heads around, let alone children. They showed excellent knowledge and a great understanding of the concept of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One. They all showed a Spiritualism that is often lacking amongst children in our Christian Faiths, and I was deeply humbled and impressed by their dealing with the whole topic. It is obvious that they’ve had excellent RE teaching at their school and that they are all genuinely interested in Faith. They went away with their own Prayer Stones that they had made, and I was left in little doubt that they would use and treasure them in the future. I would like to congratulate you on your obvious high standard of religious teaching and also thank you for giving me the joy of meeting such wonderful children.

I wish you all at The Littleton's, the very best for the future

Kindest Regards,


Lynn Thornes, Education Team Volunteer at Worcester Cathedral