Pinvin CE First School continues to be a good school
Pinvin CE First School – Ofsted: March 2020 GOOD
This report starts by confirming that, ‘Pinvin CofE First School continues to be a good school’. Inspectors praised the input of the new leaders, who are, ‘putting things in place to improve the school… and to ensure that pupils get a better deal. Expectations are higher. Lots of new curriculum plans, policies and systems have been introduced’. These new leaders, some of whom have only been in place for a few weeks, ‘have clear plans in place to improve the school. They are taking action to improve the curriculum and the standards that pupils achieve’.
The report notes that a new approach for phonics has been introduced and a new scheme to teach maths ‘is ensuring greater consistency and helping teachers plan lessons which are sequenced more carefully. A range of practical apparatus helps pupils understand what they are doing. Immediate support is provided for those who do not understand the new things they are learning.’ Inspectors recognised that, ‘the teaching of early reading is a priority’.
Other curriculum areas, including Personal, Social and Health Education have also benefited from new planning. ‘Pupils feel safe in school and know who to talk to if they have a problem. When other pupils are unkind or do not share, adults sort things out quickly’. Parents were asked their opinion of the schools and, ‘say that they can see things improving daily. They see school staff as supportive and caring. Parents have confidence that concerns are dealt with promptly and effectively’.