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Diocese of Worcester

Multi-Academy Trust

News from St. Oswald's CE Primary School

British Science Week 11th - 20th March 2022

The children had lots of fun participating in various exciting science experiments, investigations and activities. They watched a live show hosted by the Royal Institution in conjunction with the University of Worcester and Worcester Cathedral, which taught them how energy can be transferred. This was shown through some very engaging practical demonstrations. Key Stage 2 had the opportunity to carry out an experiment using sugar, warm water, dried yeast and a balloon. Incredibly, the reaction made the balloons inflate due to the release of carbon dioxide. In addition to this, the children worked scientifically and have created outdoor gyms!


A Day for Ukraine

Wednesday 16th March saw schools up and down the country spending time to show they stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The children at St Oswald’s wrote really thoughtful messages of support and have made a wonderful display that has been attached to the fence at the front of the school. We are continuing to support the First News Ukraine Schools Appeal, organised in partnership with First News and the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC).


World Book Day

What a fabulous day we all had! The theme of the day was ‘magic and mystery’ and throughout the day there were a lot of mysterious occurrences in classes. The children deduced from the clues left behind that the mayhem and mess left in their classes was caused by various book characters!


We also had a visit from the author Andrew Powell-Thomas whose inspiring workshops not only developed a further interest and love of reading but as a result, the children created

some super poems. Andrew was so impressed with our children that he emailed us to pass on his thanks and wrote,

“ I get to visit a lot of schools, but hand on heart, they were an absolute delight and a real credit to the school. Friendly, enthusiastic and articulate - it’s just a shame I couldn’t spend a whole day with each year group! They were amazing.”


We are super proud of our children who continue to demonstrate our school values. A huge thank you to all the staff for organising such a memorable day developing reading skills.