Congratulations to Madresfield CE Primary School
No one likes going through an inspection but they are useful in that they provide an outside look on what is going well and the next steps for improvement. We are always particularly pleased when we read an inspection report and think, ‘Yes, that is definitely our school!’ This was the case for Madresfield and I would like to congratulate the staff on all their hard work—particularly the two new members of staff who had only joined the school in September! The report had this to say,
‘This is a very caring school where attention to pupils’ safety and well-being is second to none. Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. In lessons, they listen to their teachers, work hard and help others. On the playground, they look out for one another. There are many rewards that recognise and celebrate this kind and thoughtful behaviour. Upsets and bullying are rare. Even so, pupils know that adults or other pupils will always help them if anything ever worries them. This ethos of care extends to the way leaders treat staff. Staff say they love working at the school and value the strong team spirit. Staff promote reading well and adults often read aloud to the class. Pupils of all ages enjoy talking about the books they have read. Pupils produce quality work in English and mathematics. In other subjects, pupils do interesting things. However, there is more to do to make sure pupils learn everything that they should.’
There has been a lot of disruption over the past year. The school is working hard to make up for lost ground and ensure the children catch up with any missed learning. Realigning the curriculum to take account of that whilst ensuring improvements are brought in at pace is a high focus—but how lovely to see that the amazing ethos of care and support was recognised and held up as a strength.
Well done, Madresfield!
Read the full report here:
Madresfield CE Primary School Ofsted Report 19th October 2021